<static> getURLScreen() → {object}
Gets the current screen from the URL parameterReturns
<static> theme( requestedTheme [, temporary ] )
Applies a theme, stores the preference, and updates the theme selection UIParameters
Name Type Attributes Default Description requestedTheme
string The ID of the theme to apply temporary
boolean <optional> false If the theme is only being applied temporarily. When true, the theme will be applied, but the preference will not be saved. Details
<static> themeImage( requestedImage [, temporary ] )
Applies a theme, stores the preference, and updates the theme selection UIParameters
Name Type Attributes Default Description requestedImage
string | boolean The URL of the image to apply. If false, the theme image will be disabled. temporary
boolean <optional> false If the image is only being applied temporarily. When true, the theme will be applied, but the preference will not be saved. Details
<static> get( key )
Gets a Fluid UI preferenceParameters
Name Type Description key
string The name of the preference to get Details
<static> set( key, val [, trigger ] )
Sets a Fluid UI preferenceParameters
Name Type Attributes Description key
string The name of the preference to set val
string The value of the preference to set trigger
'load' <optional> This is "load" if setting the preference during initial page load Details
<static> applyConfig()
Applies the fluidConfig configuration parameters, if provided. Ran automatically from fluid.onLoad, but can be called manually after if needed. If ran multiple times, each fluidConfig acts as a patch over the previous.Details
<static> onLoad()
Loads Fluid UI JavaScript features for initial page load. This should only run once. fluid.init should be used instead for initializing new elements page.Details
<static> init()
Used to initialize new elements added to the documentDetails
<static> screen( [ requestedID [, ctx ] ] )
Updates the current screen state and loads a new screenParameters
Name Type Attributes Description requestedID
string <optional> The ID of the screen to load ctx
string | object <optional> The context passed to the screen Details
<static> loadScreen( screenID [, ctx ] )
Loads a screen. This should not be called directly (see fluid.screen instead).Parameters
Name Type Attributes Description screenID
string The ID of the screen to load ctx
string | object <optional> The context parameter passed to the screen Details
<static> generateOverlay()
Generates the blur overlay used when a card is opened. This should not be called directly.Details
<static> blur( [ noBlur ] )
Shows the page blur effect. This should not be called directly.Parameters
Name Type Attributes Default Description noBlur
boolean <optional> false If this is true, the blur container will be shown without the blur effect Details
<static> unblur()
Removes the blur effect. This should not be called directly.Details
<static> splash( element )
Shows a splash screenParameters
Name Type Description element
Element | string The element to show Details
<static> unsplash()
Hides all splash screensDetails
<static> cards( element )
Shows a cardParameters
Name Type Description element
Element | string The card element to show Details
<static> alert( title, body [, icon [, actions [, color ] ] ] )
Shows a Fluid UI alert. If only one parameter is provided (e.g. fluid.alert('Test alert')), a generic alert will be shownParameters
Name Type Attributes Description title
string The alert title body
string Alert body HTML icon
string <optional> Alert icon actions
Array.<AlertAction> <optional> Alert actions color
string <optional> The icon color Details
<static> exitAlert()
Closes the active alertDetails